Sulforaphane – The Magic Switch
With my pitiful but enthusiastic interest in ancestral cell biology, my current knowledge of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms are frequently called SNPs and are pronounced “snips”; they are the most common type of genetic variation among people.
The cellular mop called Glutathione is promoted by sulforaphane. It is a simple, positive feedback system; when food is ingested, ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) free radicals are produced as a by-product of energy production. The sulforaphane that is collaterally produced stimulates the production of glutathione and other cell cleansers; the tidy up begins and continues for many hours.
Muscles Matter
Here’s the thing; some people, when they get injured, seem to take ages to heal while others who pull a muscle, suffer a sprain and rapidly recover. We went through a phase (and it is not over yet) of RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Over the last year or three, this unusual (we-need-to-do-something) practice has been challenged.
Colours Matter
Ethnic minorities are over-represented in the COVID-19 incidence and the severity of the expression of said disease.
There are three basic factors to be considered:
the unique genetic code of the individual,
the unique nutrition of that individual,
the environment in which that individual is required to operate.
The Impossibility of the Possible
Saddening reality.
With such potential and so many great ideas, we still stuff up...endlessly. After a lifetime of hapless trying, we are vaporised, passing the baton to the next generation of well-intentioned stuffer uppers.
Boxing = Brain Damage
I am appalled at the silence of our medical fraternity.
I am in awe of the ability of a governing group of brain-damaging promoters to dupe our society.
I am appalled by the media silence and its collusion.
Hey Jacinda
Take the opportunity; you can fix this. However, you will need to be far stronger than you’ve been even with COVID-19.
For Kane
He smiles a thousand years of love
His sister dancing across his sunken eyes
On the gurney, his head to one side, his focussed gaze only on her