Bite It

An investigation last century by a dentist, a rather adventurous and thoughtful man, named Weston Price traveled the world looking at dentition.

He noted several things, one being a variation in the arch and bite of different populations. He was observant enough to notice a relationship between the well formed upper arch and lower jaw bone and a good closing bite.

He related this to the adequate intake of omega three essential fatty acids in the diet being is associated with better dentition and in fact better health outcomes.

We didn’t evolve with toothbrushes or toilet paper for that matter, and the fact that we have to clean our teeth with toothpaste a mildly abrasive highly chemical containing, titanium dioxide ridden cleanser, seems, when you think about it, a bit strange.

Good and appropriate nutrition does not require dentists deep cleaning your fangs and filling them with, heaven forbid, amalgam, one of the most toxic, elements known to mankind, mercury.

In fact Weston Price noticed that although the fangs may have been covered in a bacterial biofilm film, the underlying dentition in those who had good appropriate nutrition revealed strong uncaried enamel.

We know that sugars cause a change in bacteria causing oral cavity dybiosis and erosion of enamel leading to caries, gum inflammation, pain, poor ability to masticate(chew) food adequately and finally resultant nutritional deficiencies.

The world is awash with omega three preparations, fish oil, algal oil, Krill oil and flax seed oil, each claiming their own benefits.

Omega three essential fatty acid‘s are exactly that, they are a molecule containing a double bond three carbon atoms from the end of the molecule. Worldwide studies have shown marked quality variation to the extent where the majority of the medical community dismiss fish oils as being snake oil.

Sadly the analysis of fish oils shows a wide variation in quality and impurities. An American Heart Association trial called REDUCEIT demonstrated beyond doubt the benefit of good fish oil.

EPA at 2 g per day was shown to reduce all cause mortality in people who had established cardiovascular disease and or diabetes with an elevated triglyceride level being recorded as part of their bloodwork.

DHA has also been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease progress.

So what to buy.

Better what not to buy.

I encourage all people who are taking fish oil to bite the capsule. If the resulting expulsion of liquid into your mouth causes horror, tasting like rotten fish then it’s rancid, it has oxidised fatty acids in it. Who knows where it comes from.

The message here is bite your capsule, if they taste foul they are rancid so throw them away.

I am currently involved advising on Algal oil in the form of OMEGA 3DHA an extract, not a concentrate. It is in a pump pack to avoid oxidation and does not need to be refrigerated and hence won’t be presented in bottled liquid or gelcap form.

It will not be messed with chemically to be concentrated. It is a highly purified extracted sustainable vegan algal oil and will require the ingestion of around 5mls to get the required Omega 3 content.

Testing to see if you are deficient is available in a dried blood spot Omegaquant test through and is part of the suite of options.

The takeaway message is, a diet deficient in marine produce increases risk of heart disease and correcting that deficiency is advantageous to better health outcomes.


For COMt sake


Burn Out