Mind the gap

Being part of the medical fraternity involved in the observation and failure to stem the obesity ‘epidemic’, I could quite justifiably use the term ‘pandemic’ as its destruction of human life – although covert – is as great if not much greater than COVID-19.

COVID is a natural product; obesity is human-made.

By a simple formula of sweet, addictive ingredients – combined with the vigorous whipping by stress – we humans have whipped up a treat that is killing 1 in 2 of us.

There are no aliens here directing this traffic jam of humans lining up to die of predictable and easily preventable food-related disorders.

I don’t think that the use of the tools of democracy around food would interfere with the sovereignty of the individual (and the foundation rules of the Magna Carta or the somewhat outdated American constitution incorporating the Bill of Rights) and the right to bear arms so one can pick up a burger.

The overwhelming desire to consume food when confronted by it and the secondary industries of weight loss, image, and fashion supporting one’s ego deny us the understanding of the consequence of this activity.

Denial supported by bogus science and skinny influencers around energy balance (that is just calorie intake and energy output) forms the disconnect between what we believe we eat and what we actually eat and drink. This variance is best described as a gap in truth around food.

In our very persuasive environment, we all need to mind the gap.


For Kane


But weight; there’s more