Heart Attack

It has been some time since I’ve posted on my Functional Medicine website.

I’ve actually been working on a project that I believe will democratise health screening for cardiovascular risk that to leads to heart attack and stroke.

In today’s technological world and with the early beginnings of artificial intelligence, the control of your cardiovascular risk no longer lies in the hands of your General Practitioner. The continued reluctance on the part of the medical fraternity to move from the cholesterol centric model that evolved from the politics in the 60s in America is denying the individual a personalised risk analysis..

The historical recordings available on YouTube on the McGovern report if not astounding, is horrifying. I suggest you find it and watch it. It’s is a continuance of science ‘denying’ from the earliest of times.

The grain farmers gained ascendancy by vilifying fat and promoting crops from which they were able to manufacture corn syrup as a replacement for imported sugar and by associating fat with cholesterol and enhancing a new disease called hypercholesterolaemia as a causative for heart disease and stroke allowed drug companies to manufacture products to lower cholesterol and generate huge profits. These medication are very effective when appropriately used, no question there.

Unfortunately by alienating fats and increasing the amount of sugars in the diet the American population moved from being affected by cardiovascular disease because of smoking and fats to a grossly obese society generated by sugars that also carried a high incidence of cardiovascular disease. The rest of the world deserted their food choices and blindly followed.

Artery disease takes some time to develop and the rate at which this develops depends on the adverse nature of the environment and the genetic make up of the individual.

It is now recognised that endothelial immune dysfunction, the endothelium being the lining of the arteries, is in the most part the root cause of cardiovascular disease.

Macro nutrient excess (too much food) and micronutrient imbalance (high salt, low vitamin etc) along with our stressful environment contributes to an immune response within the endothelium attracting oxidised cholesterol and forming arterial plaques and arterial stiffness.

These plaques grow and finally rupture attracting blood clotting and blocking off essential oxygen supplies causing heart-attack, cardiac arrest and stroke.

Using a relatively inexpensive tool that uses pulse wave analysis you can now, in a majority of cases detect early signs and modify the trajectory of the developing cardiovascular risk.

To this end the evolution of pulse wave technology has provided us with a non invasive low cost opportunity.

Check out www.healthscreeningnz.com


Vax Anxiety


A letter to GPs