
The basic requirement for the continuation of the genetic code is a connection between two gametes – in its fullest sense: a ‘gameeting’.

The connection between the contributors and the quality of their connection plays a vital role in the ability of that product to reach its potential.

Over the years, it has become apparent to me that an intergenerational dysfunction has a huge impact on the ability of the individual to connect with another in a meaningful way.

The alarming incidence of suicide and murder relates to the inability to connect, with the ultimate disconnect from self being suicide, and the ultimate disconnect from another human being murder. I don’t mean to simplify the reasons, but at the centre of this is the activation of the fight-or-flight response. The disturbance…or, more aptly…the dysfunction of this fight-or-flight response can give insight into the tragic outcomes for both the perpetrators and the victims.

I wish to consider in this blog the disconnect between other humans, and the consequence of narcissistic people’s ability to achieve this disconnect.

This disconnect may take many forms. In a narcissistic individual, the centre of the universe is self and all the universe is expected to serve self. Because the construct is so bizarre, it has bizarre outcomes. Unfortunately, history and sociology identify that many of the unsavoury leaders were (or are) narcissists.

For those who experienced the world wars and past and ongoing localised wars in which a narcissist dominated (or dominates) for a period of time, it often seems incomprehensible, upon reflection (or even at the time), that such events could occur.

The way in which a narcissist may exert their power may be through ethnic cleansing, genocide, political manipulation, incarceration, assimilation, and various forms of terror.

One such way of causing genocide is biological warfare – the release of a biological agent that will knowingly destroy a substantial proportion of a targeted population.

The outcome wrought, by biological particles, on a population through ignorance, stupidity, intellectual inability, defiance and arrogance in the face of collective scientific agreement, or just pure narcissism is a situation in which the perpetrators should be held responsible in the Hague.

Right now, it seems incomprehensible that we could be witnessing narcissistic genocide…


I’m going to make a prediction about COVID-19


The future of the doctor’s waiting room